What Makes Packaging So Important?

We receive items direct from manufacturers, and we receive items from individuals selling second hand items.
These items are usually adequately packed for domestic shipping within Japan, and sometimes they aren't.
But, In both cases it is always necessary to repack your items for safe international shipping and lower shipping costs.

Check out the examples below to see our process and results.

Here is a typical Aero Kit.

These usually arrive to us without even the plastic wrapping, in a box that is too large, and sometimes with boxes falling apart from rain damage or busted corners.

First we bubble wrap each item.

Bubble wrap will help to absorb blows from impacts, and this is especially important for fragile goods like FRP or carbon aero parts. We layer more bubble wrap along the bottom, and the parts that come into contact with other items inside the box.

Items are stacked appropriately.

We place the items into the box the way that they fit best. From there we can see how much wasted space is left inside the box. Wasted space in a box means higher shipping costs, and at larger sizes it makes a huge difference.

We cut the box to suit.

In order to make the package, safer, lighter, and cheaper, we cut the box to fit the items and rebuild it. The size difference for this package saved the customer 46,643JPY. For heavier aero kits we will place additional padding under the parts.

Let's Take a look at a Bride seat rail.

Let's look at the packaging it's delivered in. The box is much too large, with plenty of wasted space.

First we wrap it, then we select an appropriate box.

After we wrap the seat rail to protect the paint from rubbing off inside the box, we find a smaller, more suitable box for the seat rail, and then further reduce its size to match the seat rail.

We make sure its a snug fit.

The seat rail is made of steel. That means it is not fragile and not likely to get damaged from drops and bumps. The paint finish is protected by bubble wrap and cardboard, but no additional padding is added as it it would only increase the size and cost of shipping.

A visible saving.

When looking at the original box and the new box side by side you can see how much of a difference the correct packaging can make.

This size reduction resulted in the package falling under sea post max size limits, saving the customer 14,488 JPY in shipping fees.

More Examples

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